Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day before chemo #6

At the doctor's office today, everything went as usual. I showed him these two odd pigmentations that have been present and growing since second cycle, one under my left thumb nail and the other on the pad of my right forefinger. He says it's "kinda weird". Awesome. Anyway, the plan is to continue neupogen as planned, no concessions to me. The only new info is that we'll do CT c/sc contrast after fourth cycle and PET/CT after radiation. I ask him why; he says although PET is the gold standard, CT can give sufficient progress info at that point mainly because the treatment plan is still continued. When treatment ends, then we'll do PET. It's news to me, but if it means less radioactive tracer, it's good news.


  1. I can't believe this is already the second to last cycle!! :) Glad to hear that due to the love and perseverance of both of y'all that this has been a very bearable and even enriching experience. You both are always in my prayers~
